How to patent a product or brand?

If you are the author of an invention and you want to be the sole owner of it, with the rights that this entails, then you are interested in this article to know how to patent a product or brand and know what it consists of. Throughout this article, we'll discuss what is patent and how you can fill your application to InventHelp Patent your idea or product.


What is a patent?

The State is in charge of granting exclusive rights to the inventor of a new product, brand, or technology on which commercial use can be made. These rights are known as patent or industrial property title, giving the inventor the ability to act on third parties if they misuse the invention such as copying or falsifying.


How to make a patent?

It is a legal procedure that must be processed at the country's Patent and Trademark Office according to the deadlines established by it, which are usually very strict and immovable.


Since it requires a legal procedure, it is highly recommended that you opt for professional help like InventHelp. They are in this industry for a long time, and you can learn more about them here: to an external site.


To carry out these procedures, you must first ask yourself some questions that will allow us to assess whether an invention is patentable:


Completely new and without having been previously disclosed.

To be physically possible to manufacture.

An expert in the corresponding technology is distinguished by his inventive activity.


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